Sunday, June 29, 2008

How It All Began!

Some people in this world chose to blog about their life, friends, children, grand-children, their pets, and school but I chose to blog about bathrooms! When I was a little girl I use to be obsessed with bathrooms! Every time I went some where I always had to go to the bathroom. I don't know why I just had an urge to go. Any way so lets get started!!!! I visit this bathroom regularly, and it's by far one of my favorite ones! Yes it's my own bathroom. I give this bathroom a 10 on the scale!

Reasons to visit: For starters it has beautiful art work on the walls. These wall weren't just created by anybody but someone very famous known as Heather Arnold. These pieces of art really help you concentrate, if you catch my drift. Also another reason to visit my bathroom is because of none other than the toilet. This toilet has a strong flush. Not so hard that it will spray water in your face or not to weak where it won't flush a turd. The last reason you should visit is because of the sink. The sink is great it's never way too hot or way too cold....Just right.

Thank you for reading my blog more will be in soon. Check out the slide show!!

-Bathroom Goddess