Friday, June 12, 2009

The Goddess is BACK!!!!!

As most of you can see and read, I haven't written in quite sometime. Well the goddess is back and better than ever (hopefully). Well I just got a job at this restaurant that I love, Sofia's, I make two fifty an hour and I get to keep my tips. Well I thought this would be a great opportunity to start up the blog, again. At Sofia's we have two bathrooms I'll first show the one in the lounge, yes we have a lounge, then the one in the dining room. Ok,

I rate this sink a six, because of the draining ability. It doesn't drain very well but at least it drains.

And this is our towel dispenser I give it a ten because it's always full.I give the toilet an eight because of the flush. It's not the best flush, it's not like a tornado but it's not like slower than Christmas.
And here's the bathrooms profile. Oh la la.

And now it's time for the dining room. I rate this sink a ten for its blasting water rapids! I would choose this sink over the other sink any day!I also give this toilet a nine because of it's flushing ability it's not the best quality but it flushes! And as for the job it is going very well not very busy but we'll get there. Come by and leave me a good tip. =]