Monday, August 4, 2008

Target South Side!!!

I'm deeply sorry that I haven't been on in a while. Lots of things have came up, with summer in all. We went to Target, on the south side of San Antonio, to go school shopping and I so happened to have my camera in Target. And let me tell you this bathroom was unbelievably disgusting. And instead of my normal slide show, I would like to talk to you about each individual picture!

First for mi Sobrinas y Hermanas:

Yes that is no changing table my dear readers that is a gift wrapping station. Why in the hell would you want to wrap a gift in a bathroom that smells gross, looks gross, and feels gross???? People amaze me.

On to our second picture:

Seriously who drinks any kind of beverage in a bathroom any way? That is gross. That would make me gag with all the fumes of gas and such... And I can't understand the hair tie. What were you going to do, put your hair up then decided to leave it down and just walk away without the hair tie?!?!? People amaze me.

Moving on to our third picture:

I hope this picture moves you as much as it does me. WTF?!?!?!?!? Why would you leave a broom in the bathroom. The picture says it all for me I don't know about you.

Our forth picture:

If I've said it once I've said it a million times. EVERY BATHROOM NEEDS A TOILET SEAT COVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ALWAYS, ALWAYS, ALWAYS!! Who in their right mind want to sit their butt on a dirty toilet seat that is covered with germs, filth, and grime. Also you can't reach all the way behind your butt to throw away the toilet paper?!?!? Nobody on earth wants to see that!!!!!

My Favorite: Well before I show you this picture I just would like to say, that I have never found anything like this in my whole bathroom life. This is the "prides" I take in this job. Dayce and I just so happen to see this.....

And this is what it says......

If you can not read it I will be happy to translate: Stephanie "who's last name won't be spoken of" is a fat ugly whore from Poteet who likes to sleep with married men. Look for her on myspace.
If Stephanie didn't know about this she does now... maybe.

So in short, the positive side is it gets a 1 1/2 star(s)for its rating. These points go towards the flush, paper towels, and the ever lasting gossip. So if you are looking for the Poteet gossip, or a horrible bathroom experience go to this disgusting bathroom. This is the Bathroom Goddess always reminding you to look before you squat!

-Bathroom Goddess-


Ainzley's Mom said...

I visited this Target as well. To use the facilities not to wrap a gift. And I don't sweep my own house, I am definitely not sweeping the Target restroom. ew. yuk!

Renee of Austin said...

Absolutely hilarious!!! I almost peed at my desk while reading it!

Do you take sumissions of bathrooms for scoring/analysis? I'd be interested to see how my throne measures up!!

Love the blog.
Flush ya later!

Ellen said...

Haha Haylie!!
I wonder what my bathroom would say to you.

Ellen said...

Haha Haylie!!
I wonder what my bathroom would say to you.